Body Love Rollercoaster: Young girls and their view of their bodies

I applaud my ladies who have made peace with the bodies they live in.  I felt that way earlier in my life, but today…no way.  And body love is a very important issue to me since I’m raising three beautiful, and currently slim, young girls and two active who need a foundation for being at peace with their physical forms—whatever shape that form takes over the years.

It wasn’t until my oldest were seven years old that they came home from school one day telling me that they were skinny.  Somehow, the concept had escaped them before now.

“I’m skinny, right Mama?  Aren’t you glad that I’m skinny?  Doesn’t that make me pretty?”

“Yep…we are skinny.  Do you like having skinny daughters, Mama?”

Me: “Hold on…who told you guys that you are skinny?”

“I don’t know.  I just heard it.  I’m skinny…and my sister is skinny.  And Mama…you’re not skinny, but you’re not fat either.  But you do have a big belly.”

(Takes the needle off the record abruptly)


Thus began the first serious conversation that I would have with them about body love, weight and other physical characteristics.


In today’s society, young girls are bombarded with unrealistic beauty standards and negative body images. It can be challenging for them to develop a healthy view of their bodies amidst all the pressures and expectations. This guide aims to empower young girls by providing them with valuable insights on embracing body love. Throughout this article, we will explore various topics related to body positivity, self-acceptance, and fostering a healthy relationship with our bodies.

The Importance of Body Love

Our bodies are incredible vessels that carry us through life’s journey. Embracing and loving our bodies is essential for our overall well-being and mental health. When young girls develop a healthy view of their bodies, they are more likely to have higher self-esteem, improved body image, and greater resilience against societal pressures. Body love empowers girls to focus on their strengths, capabilities, and inner beauty rather than fixating on perceived flaws or unrealistic ideals.

Body Love Rollercoaster: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Embracing Individuality

Every person is unique, and that uniqueness should be celebrated. It’s crucial for young girls to understand that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors. By embracing their individuality, girls can cultivate self-acceptance and develop a positive body image. Let’s encourage them to express themselves authentically, without conforming to societal expectations.

Nurturing a Healthy Mindset

A healthy mindset is the foundation for body love. Young girls should be encouraged to challenge negative thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations. They can develop resilience by focusing on their strengths, passions, and accomplishments. By nurturing a healthy mindset, girls can overcome self-doubt and develop a strong sense of self-worth. I love this article on the ‘Parents’ website about how we speak on body image:

Media Literacy: Filtering Unrealistic Beauty Standards

The media often portrays unrealistic beauty standards that can negatively impact young girls’ body image. It’s essential to teach girls about media literacy so they can critically analyze the messages they receive. By understanding that many images are digitally altered and do not reflect reality, girls can develop a more realistic perception of beauty and avoid comparing themselves to unattainable ideals.

Celebrating Body Diversity

Diversity is beautiful, and young girls should be exposed to a wide range of body types and sizes. By celebrating body diversity, we can help them appreciate that there is no one “perfect” body. Encourage them to appreciate the beauty in others and themselves, regardless of societal expectations or comparisons. Let’s embrace inclusivity and spread the message that all bodies are worthy of love and respect.

Healthy Habits for a Strong Body

Taking care of our bodies is an act of self-love. Encourage young girls to adopt healthy habits such as regular physical activity, nourishing their bodies with nutritious foods, and prioritizing adequate rest and sleep. By emphasizing the importance of overall well-being, we can help girls develop a positive and holistic approach to their bodies.

Social Support: Building a Network of Body Positive Allies

Supportive relationships play a crucial role in fostering a healthy body image. Encourage young girls to surround themselves with friends, family members, and mentors who promote body positivity. Together, they can create a safe and supportive environment where they can openly discuss their feelings and challenges, knowing they are not alone in their journey towards body love.

FAQs about body love

Q: How can I help my daughter develop a healthy view of her body?

A: Start by modeling positive body image and self-acceptance. Encourage open conversations about bodies, beauty, and the importance of self-love. Provide age-appropriate resources and empower her to challenge societal beauty standards.

Q: What if my daughter is being bullied or body-shamed?

A: Address the issue promptly and compassionately. Teach her resilience and provide tools to navigate difficult situations. Encourage her to speak up, seek support from trusted adults, and remind her that her worth extends far beyond her appearance.

Q: Is it normal for young girls to compare themselves to others?

A: Yes, comparisons are common, especially during adolescence. Help her understand that everyone is on their unique journey and that focusing on her own strengths and qualities is more important than comparing herself to others.

Q: How can I promote body positivity in my daughter’s school?

A: Collaborate with teachers, administrators, and parent groups to implement body-positive programs and curriculum. Advocate for policies that discourage body shaming and promote inclusivity. Raise awareness and educate the community about the importance of body love and positive self esteem.

Q: Can social media have a negative impact on body image?

A: Yes, social media can contribute to negative body image due to the prevalence of unrealistic beauty standards and filters in our society. Encourage your daughter to curate her social media feed to include body-positive influencers and role models who promote self-acceptance.

Q: How can I address body image concerns if my daughter develops an eating disorder?

A: Seek professional help immediately. Eating disorders require specialized treatment. Show unwavering support, educate yourself about eating disorders, and be patient throughout the recovery process. Also, remember that the process of healing is not on your timeline. Patience and support from family members will be critical components of your daughter’s success.


Body love is a lifelong journey filled with ups and downs. As adults, it is our responsibility to guide young girls in developing a healthy view of their bodies. By nurturing their self-esteem, promoting media literacy, and fostering supportive relationships, we can empower them to navigate the Body Love Rollercoaster with resilience and self-acceptance. Let’s inspire the next generation to love their bodies, celebrate their uniqueness, and embrace the joy of the ride.

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