Pondering the Cactus

I don’t know why but I love to look at the cactus plant.

It makes me feel tranquil and serene, but it also makes me ponder life (yes, I am a weirdo). It’s such a resilient plant, able to store large amounts of water, survive in extremely hot and dry climates and protect itself from predators.

But most interesting to me is how it comes in so many different shapes, sizes and colors. This plant even produces flowers of various forms and colors, and some only produce flowers at night while others produce for a limited time or at the top or bottom of the plant. The more I understand about cacti (or cactuses if you want…both are actually accepted), the more they remind me of children. Our kids come in all different types, shapes, colors, sizes, temperaments…a fact that has become even more apparent to me during this time in our lives where we get to spend so much extra time together (day number 27848478 of corona-tine 😳). I’m learning each day to celebrate their differences…even the ones that try my patience a bit.

Every time we grow a little human and it comes into the world, we are witnessing the birth of a new and unique being with glorious potential. It’s difficult at times not to put them all in the same box for stimulation, motivation, education and even discipline…however, they are not the same. And it behooves us to challenge each child within the parameters of what his or her distinctive personality calls for. I’m working to explore ways to enhance those qualities and characteristics that are unique to each child and use them to shape the lives they will live. And yes…that is so much easier said than done. 💗

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